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The books and stories are in chronological order by dates in history.

THE FIRST EMPIRE - Era of Azkeena

From 15,874 B.C. To 14,778 B.C.


14,775 B.C.


Current Events

Several decades have passed since the first Batasurna matings began to occur between the planets. Queen Azkeena, leader of the Imszoranian race, is beginning to show signs of impatience with the defectors who have sought refuge in the underground cities. Aukera is a story of one of those unions.  Get the shorty story here: Aukera

THE SECOND EMPIRE - Era of  Nerenya

From 2594 B.C. To 2351 B.C.

THE THIRD EMPIRE - Era of  Nerea

From 1270 B.C. To  B.C. Unknown

THE LAST EMPIRE - Era of Neena

From 2031 A.D. To 2057 A.D.

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